On September 7, 2024, PP Freddie Borromeo, IPP Bing Matoto, and CB Rivilla embarked on a mission of compassion to support families affected by recent challenges in Tanay, Rizal. Their efforts focused on providing essential relief to displaced families temporarily sheltered in local schools.
The first stop of the day was at Ilaya Elementary School, where 44 families were staying. With warm smiles and a sense of duty, PP Freddie, IPP Bing, and CB distributed mats and blankets to these families, ensuring they had some comfort during their stay. The team took time to speak with the residents, offering not just material aid but emotional support as well.
Following this, the group moved to their second destination: Sunrise Development School of Tanay. Here, they distributed food packs to 100 families who had sought temporary refuge at the school. The food packs, designed to provide sustenance for the families in the short term, were received with gratitude by the beneficiaries. They spent time with the families, reinforcing the community’s resilience in the face of adversity.
After the successful relief distribution, PP Freddie hosted a well-deserved lunch at Rambulls in Tanay. The gathering provided an opportunity to reflect on the day’s activities, celebrate the spirit of service, and reinforce the bonds of fellowship and compassion.