On a Saturday morning, the Rotary Club of Makati embarked on a journey of compassion and care, led by the Chairman of the Medical Mission, Andrew Prieto. Alongside him, Past Presidents Cesar Campos and Bimbo Mills devoted their time to ensure the health and well-being of the seniors in Rizal.
Travelling nearly two hours from the bustling heart of Manila, the RCM team made their way to Pantay Elementary School in Barangay Dalig, Teresa, Rizal.
Their destination: Pantay Elementary School, where nearly 100 seniors eagerly awaited the medical care that the RCM team had brought to their doorstep.
Upon arrival, messages were shared by Teresa Rizal Mayor Rodel dela Cruz, Past President Cesar, Andrew, and Past President Bimbo, setting the tone for a day of compassion and service.
Then, the mission unfolded with each patient given the opportunity to consult with doctors, sharing their concerns and seeking guidance for their health.
A dedicated team of medical professionals, sponsored by Zeta Beta Mu Fraternity, provided expert care to address the diverse health needs of the community.
After the consultations, patients were guided to the medicines and vitamins section, generously sponsored by RC Makati, ensuring that essential healthcare was accessible to those in need.
This mission, made possible through partnerships, saw the collaboration of Zeta Beta Mu Fraternity, Agham Church, and the Teresa Local Government Unit. Approximately 20 medical personnel from Zeta Beta Mu Fraternity worked tirelessly alongside Rotary Club of Makati to bring healthcare to those who need it the most.
Special thanks to Teresa LGU for providing free flu and pneumonia vaccines, underscoring the commitment to preventive healthcare.
As the sun set on this day of service, the Rotary Club of Makati left behind not just medical supplies but a legacy of compassion and goodwill, ensuring that no one is left behind in the journey towards better health.