In the heart of Porac, Pampanga, the Rotary Club of Makati in partnership with RC Makati Business District embarked on a special journey last July 11. Led by PE Keith and Rachel Harrison, along with their new member, Paolo Turno, they traveled over three hours to reach the Usbong Katutubo Rotary Cultural Village.
As the team arrived at the Usbong Katutubo Rotary Cultural Village, they were met with an incredible sight. Children from the indigenous tribe eagerly awaited the start of the day's program. It was a heartwarming scene, filled with anticipation and excitement.
Without wasting a moment, the festivities began. With a short program emceed by PP Rachel and a short message from CP Mache Ackerman, then PE Keith took the stage, holding a stack of books that would soon be turned over to the community library.
The children cheered with delight, knowing that these books would soon be within their reach. But the surprises didn't end there.
With the help of Taba Samson, the RC Makati had a wonderful gift for every child in attendance. Slippers were distributed, ensuring that their little feet would stay protected and comfortable.
With the book presentation and slipper distribution complete, it was time for the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the newly built community library. The facility, a forty-footer container modified to fit the requirements, stood proudly as a symbol of hope and progress.
With the ribbon officially cut, the doors to the library swung open, welcoming the children and the community to a world of knowledge and imagination.
The dedication and hard work of the RC Makati, RCM Business District and all the other clubs in D3830, the Usbong Katutubo Rotary Cultural Village, and its founders, have truly transformed lives and brought smiles to the faces of the children in Porac, Pampanga.
As the day came to a close, the children laughed and played, cherishing the memories made. The Children's Day celebration was a testament to the power of community, compassion, and Rotary's unwavering commitment to serving others.