Answering Rotary International Pres. Gordon McInally's imperative to prioritize mental health, RC Makati has embarked on innovative endeavors aimed at tackling the mental health challenges faced by today's youth. Through a strategic alliance with the Natasha Goulbourn Foundation (NGF), the club has arranged pioneering programs that not only confront these issues head-on but also empower student leaders and educators to emerge as frontline advocates within their communities.
RC Makati’s partnership with NGF led to the introduction of the “SuPEER Heroes Training Program” at Gen. Pio del Pilar National High School in Makati. This program, conducted over four days starting on March 9 and spanning two weekends, aimed to equip 60 student leaders and 10 educators with the skills necessary to address mental health issues among their peers.
The “SuPEER Heroes Training Program” includes ten meticulously designed modules: Self-Awareness, Communication Skills, Goal Setting, Gratitude, Self-Care, Resilience, Basic Helping Skills, Love Languages, Mental Health First Aid, and Mindfulness Therapy. These modules were designed to enhance participants' understanding of themselves and others, improve their relationship management, and provide them with effective tools for peer support. The program emphasized a cascading model of knowledge transfer, encouraging participants to share their learning with their peers. RC Makati supported this initiative with a P500,000 commitment, which included providing meals and snacks for the seminar.
Conducted by NGF’s team of licensed mental health professionals, the program focused on combating depression and self-harm through a peer support network. Esteemed guests such as PP JunJun Dayrit, Pres. Bing Matoto’s son Nicky, PE Keith Harrison, and Rachel Harrison graced the event. Keynote addresses were delivered by NGF’s founder Jean Goulbourn and chairman Dr. Romeo Enriquez, MD, a noted neurologist and psychiatrist from Angles University Medical Center.
The SuPEER Heroes program creates a safe space for young adults to express their emotions and thoughts, often more comfortably shared with peers than adults. Such initiatives not only respond to global calls for mental health prioritization but also serve as a catalyst for positive change, nurturing compassionate young leaders.