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Induction 2017 speeches

SPEECH By DG EDWIN AFZELIUS, JR. Rotary Club of Makati. Manila Pen. 7 July 2017 A pleasant evening to you all. Allow me to greet the revered Past RI Director Paing Hechanova and the rest of your distinguished past district governors, Bert Montinola, Tony Quila, Sid Garcia, Robert Kuan and Pepz Bengzon, as well as your past club presidents up to Immediate Past President David Ackerman and your spouses. The Rotary Club of Makati ---- chartered 50 years ago on March 12, 1966, and entering its 52nd year --- remain to be the most outstanding club in District 3830 --- and second to the oldest after the Rotary Club of Puerto Princesa. Thus, I thank the Rotary Club of Makati for spearheading the creation of so many other Rotary clubs in this part of the Rotary world.

I commend the past leadership of your club, and the fine men who involved each and everyone in projects that touched the souls and made a difference in the lives of others, particularly those who need them most. You are leaders whose dedication and commitment to serve beyond yourselves have made so many communities better places to live in.

Allow me to cite PDG Sid Garcia, who for the last 7 years, has remained as chairman of the Rotary Homes Foundation, and all the other leaders of the Foundation. Their concern, leadership and guidance, result in the continuance of perhaps one of the biggest free housing projects initiated by a Rotary group.

But, it is not only PDG Sid or any other PDG or PRID in your club that I refer to but the whole of the Rotary Club of Makati, composed of extra-ordinary men in various professions and businesses have enabled to make a difference in the lives of so many.

My friends in the Rotary Club of Makati, Rotary Year 2017-2018, with the theme ROTARY: MAKING A DIFFERENCE, will be a beautiful journey to fellowship and service. This theme reminds us Rotarians that our presence can always touch the lives and make a difference in the lives of others and theirs.

This theme shall be our strategic plan where Making A Difference and creating positive changes will define the ways in which we live as Rotarians anchored on the priority goals of Rotary International and the district. Our great hopes will be transformed into Happy Rotarians, Happy Clubs, a Happy District, and Happy Communities!

I would like to commend your outstanding projects on literacy and mostly covering the other Areas of Focus. You have a very successful Books Across The Seas project which I hope you can continue, for this has helped so many other Rotary clubs, schools and communities. Commendable are your service projects that delve on continuing medical missions and other projects that cover the 6 areas of focus.

However, as you expand your commitment to your communities, I ask you to further STRENGTHEN YOUR ROTARY CLUB. Work hard to have more members but focus on retention too.

The Rotary Club if Makati is one of the biggest TRF contributors but I ask you to CONTRIBUTE more to the Rotary Foundation to help improve our ability to attract grants and Foundation support.

The 6 Areas of Focus are main thrusts of Rotary International and the Happy Barangays Project will be the anchor to which service activities will be implemented.

Your continuing support to the youth by having Rotaract and Interact clubs and another Rotary Community Corp are very laudable.

With these outstanding projects, I ask you to enhance the good works of Rotary and your club by promoting your activities and sending articles to the GML and the Philippine Rotary Magazine.

Maximize your public image efforts by participating in RI-sponsored campaigns like the Humanity in Motion projects. Communicate to the community the values of Rotary and your Rotary club.

As Mother Teresa has said: “I can do things you cannot. You can do things I cannot. Together, we can do great things.” Hence, I believe none is more enduring than that of cooperation and tolerance. Exercise collaborative service and collaborative governance. This means that no matter your role is in the club, you are part of a family, a family where ideas flourish, where voices are heard, where activities are shared, and where results are readily apparent.

I also ask your club’s cooperation and support to prioritize several exciting major activities that will happen during our year, especially the tree-planting activity that RI President Ian Riseley requested us to do this year.

• The TRF Testimonial Dinner in November 2017;

• The District Conference in March 2018;

With these programs and activities anchored on the thrusts of Rotary International in 2017-2018, I am certain that your club will be able to comply with the Presidential Citation requirements.

My friends in the Rotary Club of Makati:

We are gathered here to enlarge our hearts, and to train our minds to untangle problems and confront the challenges before us. We come to discover that which inspires us, to find what motivates us, and to connect our personal passions to a larger communal interest. We come to discover new ideas, new ways of working, and new ways of thinking.

With your pledge taken to heart, you will then be able to be charged up, motivated, and impassioned to MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the lives of others!

We stand at the beginning of another exciting era in the history of District 3830, and we must dare to dream. I look forward to your joining us in this journey to service in Rotary Year 2017-2018 as we MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the lives of others!

Thank you and a pleasant evening to all.

Brief Remarks

Rafael “Paing” G. Hechanova Sr.

RI Director, 1996-98

Member, RC of Makati

D-3830 Philippines

Fellow Rotarians, Spouses and Guests –

I have been asked to deliver a message tonight. I will be brief as this is a long night.

Twenty years ago, as a director of Rotary International, I proposed that we create a Family Membership – a membership that for one dues to RI and to the Rotary Club, both spouses become Rotarians. It was referred to the Constitution and By Laws Committee of Rotary International and they came back after several weeks with a note that the proposal is good but premature at that time.

Now, we have a Satellite Club that is composed of our spouses – and I support it although my wife is not too well, she is now also a Rotarian – Because Rotary is Family.

But fellow Rotarians, it is not a solution to increased membership as advocated by our previous President. We need younger members who are leaders or who have the potential to be leaders in Service to others. We need younger members who want to get involved – to be of assistance to those that need help. That is what Rotary is – the LOVE for others.

This Club was founded by LEADERS and sustained through decades by LEADERS. Just yesterday, I attended the Induction of the Rotary Club of Manila. That club is not dying. Ever since they transferred here to Makati, their membership has increased and they are now buoyant and strong. They are now 228 with 39 exempt or 189 active. I was very pleased that they are a strong club. Rotary is not a contest. Rotary needs strong clubs to continue doing good in the world and MAKING DIFFERENCE.

So fellow Rotarians, LET US JUST DO IT. Let us invite quality persons to join us.

Thank you and best wishes to all.


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